This past weekend I was stuck in a hotel and had to use the treadmill to get a workout. I hate treadmills! This treadmill is a state of the art Precor. I still hate treadmills! It even has its own miniature television, which I left on CNN because I don't really care, and let my eyes glaze over at swine flu, Obama's 100 day milestone, GM killing off Pontiac, and a bunch of ads. All this was, I guess, supposed to alleviate my boredom. It didn't work, because I hate treadmills! Also to alleviate my boredom, I played with the incline and speed every minute or two: do I burn more calories running at 6.0 mph and 2% incline or 6.2 mph and 0% incline? Do I care? No, because I hate treadmills! I log 30 minutes plus cooldown, feeling like a hamster, then move on to weights.
Have I mentioned that I hate treadmills?